12 Feb, 2025



Year: 2013

  • D. van Casteren, J. Paulides, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Analytical stiffness calculations of a cone-shaped magnetic vibration isolator for a micro balance". Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 2013. pp. 1184-1190. [More]

Year: 2012

  • M. Kremers, J. Paulides, E. Ilhan, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Analytical field calculations of skewed magnets". Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2012). 2012. pp. 195. [More]
  • M. Kremers, J. Paulides, E. Ilhan, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Design guidelines for coreless linear actuators". Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2012). 2012. pp. 196. [More]
  • M. Kremers, J. Paulides, E. Ilhan, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Relative permeability in a 3D analytical surface charge model of permanent magnets". Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2012). 2012. pp. 194. [More]
  • C. Ding, J. Janssen, A. Damen, P. v. d. Bosch and E. Lomonova. "A 6-DoF Contactless Electromagnetic Suspension System: Design and Static Measurements". 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics. 2012. [More]
  • K. Pluk, B. Gysen, J. Janssen, E. Lomonova and J. Jansen. "Eddy current modeling in a conducting sheet moving between cuboidal magnets". Proc. Young Researchers Symposium. 2012. [More]

Year: 2011

  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "The developments in the analytical expressions of the interaction force between cuboidal permanent magnets". Proc. Electrimacs 2011. 2011. pp. 2011S240224. [More]
  • M. Kremers, J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "3D Analytical modeling of a double skewed linear magnet array". Proceedings of the INTERMAG 2011 Conference. 2011. [More]
  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Analytical calculation of the torque between perpendicular magnetized magnets in magnetic suspension". Proceedings of the INTERMAG 2011 Conference. 2011. [More]
  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Design of an Ironless Voice Coil Actuator With a Rectangular Coil and Quasi-Halbach Magnetization". ISEF 2011 - XV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2011. [More]
  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides, E. Lomonova, B. Delinchant and J. Yonnet. "Design study on magnetic springs with low resonance frequency". Proceedings of The Eighth International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA). 2011. [More]

Year: 2010

  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides, L. Encica and E. Lomonova. "High-performance moving-coil actuators with double-sided PM arrays : a design comparison". Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). 2010. pp. 1603-1608. [More]
  • C. Ding, J. Janssen, A. Damen and P. van den Bosch. "Modeling and control of a 6-DOF contactless electromagnetic suspension system with passive gravity compensation". ICEM 2010, the XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines. 2010. [More]
  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Analytical torque calculations for magnetic bearings and vibration isolation". Proceedings of the 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference. 2010. pp. 1109-1109. [More]
  • C. Ding, A. Damen, P. van den Bosch and J. Janssen. "Vibration isolation of a electromagnetic actuator with passive gravity compensation". Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE). 2010. pp. 85-89. [More]

Year: 2009

  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "3D Analytical field calculation using triangular magnet segments applied to a skewed linear permanent magnet actuator". Proceedings International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields, ISEF 2009. 2009. [More]
  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Analytical force and stiffness calculations for magnetic bearings and vibration isolation". Proceedings International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields, ISEF 2009. 2009. [More]
  • J. Paulides, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Bearing lifetime of linear PM machines". Proceedings IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE. 2009. pp. 1083-1090. [More]
  • J. Paulides, J. Janssen, L. Encica and E. Lomonova. "Tubular permanent magnet actuators: cogging forces characterization". Proceedings of the IEEE EUROCON 2009 Conference. 2009. [More]
  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "3d analytical field calculation of pyramidal and other polyhedral shaped permanent magnets for a gravity compensator". Proceedings IEEE International Magnetics Conference. 2009. pp. AU-01. [More]
  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides, B. Gysen, K. Meessen, L. Encica and E. Lomonova. "Separation of the cogging force components in a tubular permanent magnet acutator using FEM". Proceedings of the 2009 FLUX Users Conference. 2009. [More]

Year: 2008

  • J. Paulides, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Passive attraction reduction for linear permanent magnet actuators". Proc. 11th international Symposium on Magnetic Bearings. 2008. pp. 319-325. [More]
  • J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Passive Magnetic Suspension Limitations for Gravity Compensation". Proceedings of the 11th international Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, ISMB 11. 2008. pp. 83-90. [More]
  • B. Gysen, J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Active electromagnetic suspension system for improved vehicle dynamics". IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2008 : VPPC '08. 2008. [More]
  • B. Gysen, J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Design aspects of an active electromagnetic suspension system for automotive applications". IAS '08 : IEEE Industry Applications Society annual meeting. 2008. pp. 1-8. [More]
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Dr. J.L.G. (Jeroen) Janssen MSc

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