D. van Casteren, J. Paulides, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Analytical stiffness calculations of a cone-shaped magnetic vibration isolator for a micro balance". Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 2013. pp. 1184-1190.[More]
Year: 2012
M. Kremers, J. Paulides, E. Ilhan, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Analytical field calculations of skewed magnets". Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2012). 2012. pp. 195.[More]
M. Kremers, J. Paulides, E. Ilhan, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Design guidelines for coreless linear actuators". Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2012). 2012. pp. 196.[More]
M. Kremers, J. Paulides, E. Ilhan, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Relative permeability in a 3D analytical surface charge model of permanent magnets". Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2012). 2012. pp. 194.[More]
C. Ding, J. Janssen, A. Damen, P. v. d. Bosch and E. Lomonova. "A 6-DoF Contactless Electromagnetic Suspension System: Design and Static Measurements". 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics. 2012.[More]
K. Pluk, B. Gysen, J. Janssen, E. Lomonova and J. Jansen. "Eddy current modeling in a conducting sheet moving between cuboidal magnets". Proc. Young Researchers Symposium. 2012.[More]
Year: 2011
J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "The developments in the analytical expressions of the interaction force between cuboidal permanent magnets". Proc. Electrimacs 2011. 2011. pp. 2011S240224.[More]
M. Kremers, J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "3D Analytical modeling of a double skewed linear magnet array". Proceedings of the INTERMAG 2011 Conference. 2011.[More]
J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Analytical calculation of the torque between perpendicular magnetized magnets in magnetic suspension". Proceedings of the INTERMAG 2011 Conference. 2011.[More]
J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Design of an Ironless Voice Coil Actuator With a Rectangular Coil and Quasi-Halbach Magnetization". ISEF 2011 - XV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2011.[More]
J. Janssen, J. Paulides, E. Lomonova, B. Delinchant and J. Yonnet. "Design study on magnetic springs with low resonance frequency". Proceedings of The Eighth International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA). 2011.[More]
Year: 2010
J. Janssen, J. Paulides, L. Encica and E. Lomonova. "High-performance moving-coil actuators with double-sided PM arrays : a design comparison". Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). 2010. pp. 1603-1608.[More]
C. Ding, J. Janssen, A. Damen and P. van den Bosch. "Modeling and control of a 6-DOF contactless electromagnetic suspension system with passive gravity compensation". ICEM 2010, the XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines. 2010.[More]
J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Analytical torque calculations for magnetic bearings and vibration isolation". Proceedings of the 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference. 2010. pp. 1109-1109.[More]
C. Ding, A. Damen, P. van den Bosch and J. Janssen. "Vibration isolation of a electromagnetic actuator with passive gravity compensation". Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE). 2010. pp. 85-89.[More]
Year: 2009
J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "3D Analytical field calculation using triangular magnet segments applied to a skewed linear permanent magnet actuator". Proceedings International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields, ISEF 2009. 2009.[More]
J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Analytical force and stiffness calculations for magnetic bearings and vibration isolation". Proceedings International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields, ISEF 2009. 2009.[More]
J. Paulides, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Bearing lifetime of linear PM machines". Proceedings IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE. 2009. pp. 1083-1090.[More]
J. Paulides, J. Janssen, L. Encica and E. Lomonova. "Tubular permanent magnet actuators: cogging forces characterization". Proceedings of the IEEE EUROCON 2009 Conference. 2009.[More]
J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "3d analytical field calculation of pyramidal and other polyhedral shaped permanent magnets for a gravity compensator". Proceedings IEEE International Magnetics Conference. 2009. pp. AU-01.[More]
J. Janssen, J. Paulides, B. Gysen, K. Meessen, L. Encica and E. Lomonova. "Separation of the cogging force components in a tubular permanent magnet acutator using FEM". Proceedings of the 2009 FLUX Users Conference. 2009.[More]
Year: 2008
J. Paulides, J. Janssen and E. Lomonova. "Passive attraction reduction for linear permanent magnet actuators". Proc. 11th international Symposium on Magnetic Bearings. 2008. pp. 319-325.[More]
J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Passive Magnetic Suspension Limitations for Gravity Compensation". Proceedings of the 11th international Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, ISMB 11. 2008. pp. 83-90.[More]
B. Gysen, J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Active electromagnetic suspension system for improved vehicle dynamics". IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2008 : VPPC '08. 2008.[More]
B. Gysen, J. Janssen, J. Paulides and E. Lomonova. "Design aspects of an active electromagnetic suspension system for automotive applications". IAS '08 : IEEE Industry Applications Society annual meeting. 2008. pp. 1-8.[More]
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